StatuesqueSeductress 2달 전
Funny and cool video but why stop there? Here are some other ways that she can make use of her severely stunted spouse, she could for example utilize him as: a dishrag, a doorstop, a garden gnome, an end table, a key chain decoration, a butt plug, as mouse trap bait and as a cake topper - the sky's the limit! Well... figuratively speaking.
StatuesqueSeductress 2달 전
LOL, she can use her hobbit husband and Tiny Todd "Tippy Toes" Howard as neoprene dumbbells when she goes jogging! I love her outfit by the way - she looks like Marilyn Monroe, unforgettably beautiful!
StatuesqueSeductress 2달 전
LMAO at 11:48 - looks like Tiny Todd "Hissy Fit" Howard's college experience! That cute smile on her face when she says: "I can beat you up, tiny little thing..." - just LOL, that was hilarious! She looks stunning - entrancingly gorgeous!